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Why I’m Expanding into Retreat Planning: The Power of Authentic Communities & How I Can Help You Organize Yours

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past two years, it’s that being part of a community that “gets you” is nothing short of magical. I’ve been fortunate enough to dive into several coliving and coworking experiences, mostly through Innate, where like-minded people come together not only to enjoy a month of coliving and coworking in beautiful locations with amazing people, but also to grow, work on themselves, and create real, deep connections. It’s like a transformation incubator, and it’s what sparked my desire to expand my business into organizing these kinds of experiences for coaches like you.

I’ve seen firsthand how these spaces can change lives. When you’re in a community of people who are committed to their growth, where you can show up as your true self—flaws and all—and get met with nothing but love, compassion, and encouragement, something incredible happens. Especially if you’re a little on the shy side like me. You start letting go of those fears and stories that tell you you’re not enough, and the transformation is profound.

This has been my journey over the past couple of years, and now, I want to help coaches create these spaces for others. Because as someone who’s been there, I know how much it matters.

So, if you’re thinking about running a retreat but haven’t done it before—or you have, but organizing the logistics and managing the details felt overwhelming—let me take the weight off your shoulders. You can focus on the experience, the schedule, and delivering that transformational magic, while I handle everything else. Here are three big ways I can help you make your retreat not just run smoothly, but create that same magic I’ve experienced myself.

1. All The Logistics—Handled

Let’s be honest: planning a retreat can feel like herding cats. From booking venues, coordinating travel, arranging meals, to managing special requests—there’s a LOT that can go sideways. That’s where I come in. I’ve managed teams, projects, and launches in the online world for years, and guess what? The same organizational skills apply to retreats. I can take over every logistical detail, making sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Whether it’s your first retreat or your fifteenth, you shouldn’t have to stress about the nitty-gritty. I’ll be behind the scenes making sure everything’s taken care of and the flow of the retreat is smooth, so you can show up and do what you do best: transform lives.

2. Creating an Experience That Reflects Your Vision

Every coach has a unique style and vision for their retreats. Some might focus on deep inner work, others on building community or learning practical skills. Whatever your vision is, I’ll help you bring it to life. Drawing from my own experience in spaces that were built to support growth and authenticity, I understand how crucial it is to create an environment where participants feel safe to be vulnerable and open.

We’ll work together to design an experience that aligns with your goals, the needs of your participants, and the overall vibe you want to create. Whether it’s through activities, the location, or even the little details like a welcome gift that makes people feel at home, I’ll make sure your retreat is a reflection of your mission.

3. Freeing You Up to Focus on Your Genius

One of the biggest mistakes coaches make when organizing a retreat is trying to do everything themselves. But when you’re juggling logistics, participant concerns, and trying to stay present, it’s hard to actually be the coach, the mentor. I want you to have the space to focus on what you’re truly great at—delivering the content, connecting with your attendees, and creating life-changing moments.

When I’m managing the behind-the-scenes, you can relax knowing that all the moving parts are taken care of. Need a last-minute change in the schedule? No problem. Someone’s gluten-free but the lunch plan didn’t account for it? I’ve got you covered. Your job is to focus on making the experience transformative for your attendees—I’ll take care of the rest.

Why This Matters to Me

The reason I’m so passionate about helping coaches create these experiences is because I’ve seen the incredible transformation that happens when you’re in the right environment. I’ve been there—hiding parts of myself out of fear of judgment, and then watching as those walls melted away in spaces that allowed me to be truly myself.

That’s why I’m expanding my business beyond the online world into the real world of retreat planning. I want to create the kinds of environments where people feel safe to grow, to be authentic, and to connect on a deeper level—because that’s where the real magic happens.

So, if you’re ready to organize a retreat that’s not just about the schedule, but about creating an experience that transforms lives, let’s talk. I’ve got the logistics down, the passion to create something unforgettable, and the experience to make it seamless. Let’s make magic happen—together. 🌿✨

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