Yes, it's important to hire. Yes, it's important to delegate. Yes, team makes all things possible.
BUT there is something that many business owners aren't prepared for when they start hiring.
The management trap.

Let's first dig in and define what management is.
Management is about planning - taking a goal and turning it into an actionable plan
Management is about people - ensuring the right folks are on the team to execute on the plan
Management is about process - finding the best way to get the work done
Management is about progress - seeing the plan through to completion and getting stuff done!
It's the role of a manager to make sure the right things get done, in the right way, at the right time and by the right people.
In the earlier days of our business journey - before we hire - the management part is pretty easy because we only have to manage ourselves!
But as we grow, and with each new hire... we have people to manage. They need communication around what is going on in the business. They need clarity around their role and what they are doing. They need support to ensure they have all they need to do their best work. They need accountability to get things done right and on time.
We also have to manage projects. We need to create systems and structure. We need strategic planning to keep everything on track.
Put simply... The bigger the business becomes, the more there is to manage.
The question is - who is doing the managing?
There is a 'rude awakening' moment with many of the early to mid 6-figure coaches, trainers and agency owners that I work with.
They hire, thinking that will free up their time and they will be able to FINALLY focus on the things they really want to do in their business. Only to find that instead their days are now filled with things like:
Checking in with the team to make sure stuff is getting done
Thinking constantly about what is coming up
Wondering if they have the right folks on the team or not?
Answering team questions
Trying to figure out the best way to get things done
Dealing with the 'odds and ends' that come up in the day to day running of the business
This is the management trap.
It's a rude awakening for many CEOs because a) they didn't realize how much work management actually is and b) they aren't very good at it! They find it tiring, frustrating and draining. It's taking up so much of their time that they can't actually focus on growing their business and doing what they do best.
When you don't purposely hire someone to help here then management will fall on YOUR shoulders. Which may not be the best thing for you, your team or your business.
As a Certified OBM I can take management off your shoulders - let’s talk.